When is the pool open?
In most years, the pool and hot tub will typically open near Memorial Day and close for the season sometime around Labor Day. For more information about the Pool Rules and access.
When is my landscaping due?
From when your home was constructed you have until October 15th to have your front yard in and till October 15th of the following year to have the back yard complete. Keep in mind that this is not only an HOA rule but also a city rule and the city will fine you $50.00 a day if your yard is not completed as outlined above.
What needs to be approved by the HOA?
When in doubt, ask! Fences, dog runs, landscaping, storage sheds, rock walls, any changes to the exterior of the home, patios, decks, etc. The Design Review Committee (DRC) is actually the committee that approves these things, NOT the HOA Board. Please email them at SWDRC@hotmail.com or attend their monthly meeting on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM in the clubhouse.
Will our HOA dues ever increase?
We hope over time to decrease them as we have more people move in. They are actually supposed to be $79.00 a month and currently we only charge $64.00.
Where can I store my..?
Trash Cans, Boats, RVs, trailers, campers, ATVs, etc., need to be stored in your garage or behind a six (6) foot fence that meets the requirement of being "screened from view" or you will be fined.
How can I get a key to the clubhouse and pool?
Contact Jake Smith at 435-764-1233 or jakesmith435@gmail.com. You will need to provide him with your most current HOA statement from Parker Brown or show him your closing documents to make sure your account is in good standing before a key may be issued.
When are the board meetings?
They are the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM in the clubhouse. All residents are encouraged to attend these meetings. They provide you with valuable information about what is happening in our neighborhood, and it is helpful to the HOA Board to hear input from the residents as well.
We don't like that rule. How can we change it?
An act of God! Well not quite, but pretty close, but know it is possible. First, you have to have 25% of the Association present or voting by proxy to have quorum, which we struggle to have each year at our Annual Meeting. Second, to change anything you have to have 67% of the 100% of the Association voting present or by proxy to have a yes or no to change the CC&R's.
What are the most common violations I should be aware of?
Weeds in your yard. RV, trailer, boat, trash cans not enclosed by a fence or stored in your garage. Missing trees or shrubs. Yard not installed within allotted timeframe. Chain link dog runs. Storage containers on property too long.